• Anthron is a small company, run by family Lorbek since its foundation in year 1989. "ANTHRON" is the Greek name for cave and actually our first products were destined for speleologists. The thread of our activity, however, is rescuing - both in the field of sports (speleology, mountaineering, free climbing ...) and in the field of selected industries (fall pro-tection and rescue equipment). And what was the motive for embarking on this rather spe-cialized activity? The very impulse goes back to the year 1977; at that time our family resided in a twelve-storey buil-ding. Suddenly the earth began to shake, the first earth-quake was followed by several sub-sequent ones, and the tenants, panic-stricken, began in mass leave their flats, jostling down the narrow flight of stairs towards the exit. Among them, carrying his two little daughters, was also Joze Lorbek, a young mechanical engineer. Since then he never stopped pondering on how to make in the case of elementary disasters the evacu-ation of people from such high buildings easier, safer and more effective. And thus an idea occured to him which was a few months later followed by proto-type of a self-rescuing device ST-777, his first innovation.

    In May 2016 SKYLOTEC takes over the Slovenian family-owned company ANTHRON.

    With this, we expand new production capabilities and our knowhow in the field of special hardware and safety devices for the industrial fall protection and the sports sector. 

  • Company information

    Skylotec Adriatic, Anthron d.o.o., k.d.

    Trgovska ulica 3, 6310 Izola-Isola, SLOVENIA

    T: +386 (0)5 64 00 150


    Working time: 7:30 do 15:30 ure (from Monday till Friday)


    Director: Helena Logar, helena"at"anthron.si

    Director: Kai Uwe Rinklake


    VAT nr: SI35154624

    Status of the company: Limited partnership

    Capital: 14.388 €




  • Contacts

    General information: info"at"anthron.si


    Accounting: Janja Barut Lukaček, janja"at"anthron.si


    Sales - FERNO and production: Snežana Smej, snezana"at"anthron.si


    Sales and production:Tina Kos, tina”at”anthron.si


    Sales and assembly - SÖLL: Beno Udovič, beno"at"anthron.si



    Tomaž Ceglar, tomi"at"anthron.si

    Roman Žagar,  roman”at”anthron.si


    Research & developement:

    Alen Bonaca, alen"at"anthron.si

    Miha Staut, miha"at"anthron.si

    Klemen Cotič, klemen”at”anthron.si

    Domen Mahne, domen”at”anthron.si


    Quality control:

    Nevenka Mahnič, nena”at”anthron.si 

    Gregor Španjol, gregor“at”anthron.si


    Phone: +386 5 64 00 150

  • Location